RESCUED: Rheda - the stables


Location   Frizington
Year demolished   1970s
Reason   Unknown

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Latest update [2022] RESTORED! The stables have been rescued and are now available to rent as holiday accommodation. This page will remain as a tribute to the undoubted hard work and dedication which has rescued these beautiful buildings.

The mansion at Rheda, in Frizington, was home to the Dixon family from 1584-1952 and was demolished in the 1970s. All that remains now, apart from the well-kept lodge cottage and some houses in the gardens, are the fine stables built in the mock-medieval style from the local sandstone. These imposing buildings - structurally still in remarkably good condition - would make a fantastic home.

Update [February 2010] The stables are currently being renovated to create four dwellings.

Photos contributed by, and copyright of, H.T. (2007)

Rheda - stables
The main gate

Rheda - stables
The courtyard

Rheda - stables

Rheda - stables
The tower

Rheda - stables